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Dont Feed The Fish; Teach How To Catch It

Today I visited my bank to deposit a cheque for a due payment to a company. The procedure was quite simple, but I thought of cross-checkin...

Today I visited my bank to deposit a cheque for a due payment to a company. The procedure was quite simple, but I thought of cross-checking it with the teller to avoid a cheque bounce back. The teller, being a fresh employee (I judged this from her facial expression and communication approach), wasn't sure about the procedure. She called her manager for assistance. The manager, a nice, ethical young man, elaborated on the details about the form filling, which I understood and thanked him for. However, I noticed that while the manager was explaining to me, the teller got busy with something else and didn't pay attention to her manager, nor did the manager ask her to listen vigilantly to understand the procedure.

Well, I completed my work at the bank and pondered that the manager had taken a corrective methodology instead of a preventive methodology. Hence, there is a big chance that the teller will call her manager again in the future, and every time the manager will have to leave his desk, come to the teller point, and explain the same procedure to more customers in the future, which he could have avoided by teaching the procedure to the 'right person,' the teller. This extra work would cause a disturbance in his routine work and waste his precious time to complete the jobs he has been primarily hired for!

This whole situation reminded me of a good quote which says, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." And this is why I said earlier that the teller will ask her manager again (asking for the fish) because the manager didn't teach her to 'catch the fish.'

So, my friend, this is where the power of being visionary and proactive comes into play… that is to see the future now and make the right moves… and this is where Stephen Covey suggests us 'to begin with the end in mind

About Author: Junaid Tahir is a passionate blogger. He writes articles on Leadership, Stress Management and Life Enhancement subjects at his personal blog